Uncategorized Finding Macro Creature マクロダイブ SEAKERS oftern go to Diving in Manza Onna village. In Manza, we do boat dive and boat comes back to port after each div... 2023.07.24 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Crystal clear 抜群の透明度 Summer has come in Okinawa. These days SEAKERS often go Kerama and visibility is amazing most of the time. With crystal... 2023.07.10 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Relaxed scuba holiday? まったりダイビングしたいなら⁉️ If you are looking for relaxing scuba holiday, I would highly recommend in Onna Village. It's more slow and easy life t... 2023.06.15 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Manza Onna Village 恩納村の万座エリア Today our dive tour was at Manza Onna village. Pick up avaible anywhere from Naha to Onna Village. 1st dive at Cross... 2023.05.24 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Blue Cave in Onna Village free pick up 青の洞窟 恩納村 送迎有 You are thinkin to participate scuba diving at Blue cave in Onna village? But no car or no transportation? Since SE... 2023.05.18 Uncategorized
Uncategorized DRIFT DIVING in Kerama 慶良間ドリフトダイビング Sunny but windy. Our aguni trip was postponed but instead we went out to Kerama drift diving and saw Manta Ray. In s... 2023.05.17 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Minna Island 水納島 SEKAERS can take you to dive in Minna Island & Sesoko Island. You can enjoy crystal clear visibility and beauti... 2023.05.16 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Let’s seek in the sea with SEAKERS Seakers is SSI official scuba diving training center. Our priority is safety. We do all courses and menus only in sm... 2023.05.13 Uncategorized